elutoa tänav / living room street

A series of pavilions in a Soviet microdistrict in Tallinn, designed to activate the space between the buildings.

The project strengthens the identity of the Mustakivi subdistrict by creating a cozy human-centered public space with leisure and entertainment opportunities for the local community. The design comprises a walkway, formed by pavilions and street furniture.

Book exchange
Market stall
Dining and food exchange
Chess pavilion
Community notice board
Play pavilion

The whole ‘street’ is designed to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities by offering a variety of functions. The functions were derived from an inclusive feedback event with the locals, who expressed their main hopes and concerns about the area.

View from Laagna street

The materiality and colour palette of the project took inspiration directly from its surroundings: a variety of pastel-coloured balconies, facades, weathered concrete panels and well rings. Most of the furniture inside the pavilions is custom-made and designed partly from pieces of plywood and pine beams left over from the project.

View to the dining and market pavilions