luna plena

❊ public competition – 2nd prize
Year: 2024
Location: Pärnu, Estonia
Type: building & landscape
Status: design
Team: Eneli Kleemann, Saskia Epp Lõhmus, Katariina Mustasaar, Mia Martina Peil, Marie Anette Veesaar, Anna Riin Velner, Lill Volmer

The Pärnu moat open-air concert venue needs a new building and stage for hosting events. Luna plena (Latin for full moon) blends the existing auditorium, the stage and the building into a continuous landscape.

Located within the bastion of Luna, the design respects its surroundings: the nature, the rampart, the historical wooden buildings and Olev Siinmaa’s architecture.

The existing auditorium seating, the stage and the building form a continuous landscape.

The seating area can expand onto the stage for larger events.

The design features many opportunities for stage movements.

An inviting everyday space is proposed in front of the venue to also ensure smooth movement during events.

1st floor plan
2nd floor plan

The flexible layout of the building enables to host events ranging from conferences to concerts.

Movable CLT partitions allow the second floor to be fully opened up. Additionally, movement between the building and the stage can occur through both floors and multiple passageways.

The focal element within the building is the spiral staircase, contrasting with the otherwise calm interior.

The environmental impact of the design is reduced by an extensive green roof, solar panels and rainwater collection. The construction system is a timber frame combined with cross- laminated timber beams and partitions.

The transparency of the stage enables its multifunctional use together with the surrounding area.